The aim of this documentary is to shed light on the lives of migrant workers residing in the UAE. Despite their invaluable contributions in constructing the beautiful architecture and towering skyscrapers of Dubai, their existence often remains invisible to our eyes. It is imperative that we hear and acknowledge their stories, particularly their struggles of being separated from their loved ones. We must take action to improve their living conditions and show them the respect they deserve for the hardships they endure. Let us not judge them based on their social class, but instead celebrate their courage in living and working in foreign lands to provide for their families. It is inspiring to witness their resilience in the face of adversity, as they navigate their migrant lives with a determined smile and the phrase,
"क्या करें" (Kya Karien)
“It made me reflect on my own father's journey as a migrant worker… Despite the struggles, he always reminded me that it was a common experience for many people.”
“I came to realize that their struggles were not always apparent on the surface. They all missed their families deeply”
“As the clock struck 7 in the evening, the air was filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter from the migrant workers. It warmed my heart to see them connecting with their families back home at the perfect time”
“Even after spending a long time in their presence, I still come away with a sense of wonder at their strength and resilience, fueled by the hope of seeing their children smile as they return home with a box of chocolates”
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